Introducing Applications of FeCrAl Resistance Heating Wire


To the human mind, 1050°C is unimaginably hot. Water boils at 100°C, and 100 times that temperature is when iron-chromium-aluminum alloy reaches the end of its temperature resistance. You come into contact with high resistance alloys from the moment you turn on the heating to when you make some toast or blow-dry your hair. Let’s take a closer look at this wondrous material, its advantages and disadvantages, and how the future of the material can impact various industries.

What is FeCrAl Wire?

Iron-chrome-aluminum alloy (FeCrAl) is a high resistance alloy wire with a wide range of applications. An alloy is any mixture of two or more elements, with at least one of the two elements being metal. Iron is a less reactive metal and coupled with very reactive metal aluminum. The addition of iron creates a less corrosive material, whereas aluminum makes for a lighter wire. FeCrAl is also known under the trademark Kanthal. Under extremely high temperatures of up 1050°C, or 1922°F, this alloy offers resistance to oxidation and anti-corrosion effects. Even at very high temperatures, this alloy retains its shape and form as desired. Sundear FeCrAl resistance alloy is available as ribbon, wire, and strip alloy for all of your industry needs.

FeCrAl 0CR25AL5
FeCrAl 0CR25AL5

What Applications Does FeCrAl Wire Have?

There is a use for any aluminum alloy, all depending on specific physical and mechanical properties. Sundear has the following FeCrAl alloys available for your particular needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of their typical applications.

Disclaimer: Please note that typical applications are for guidance only. Specific applications require confirmation of your service conditions.


An alloy characterized by the typical FeCrAl properties of being high temperature resistant, having a low coefficient of electric resistance, and a higher operating temperature of up to 1400°C.


Once again, an impressively low coefficient of electric resistance coupled with a temperature resistance of up to 1350°C. Additionally, high oxidization resistance and excellent form stability. The result? A long element life and less waste through unnecessary renewal.

Typical applications of 0Cr27Al7Mo and 0Cr2lAl6Nb include furnace heating in central heating systems, such as single crystal furnaces, sintering furnaces, diffusion furnaces, and heat treatment furnaces. The high heat found inside these types of furnaces makes it an ideal candidate for use with 0Cr27Al7Mo.


High resistivity, a low-temperature coefficient of electric resistance, fantastic oxidation resistance, and an operating temperature of up to 1350°C. Additionally, this alloy sports a long service life under the long term used in a high-temperature working environment.

Typical applications of 0Cr25Al5 are in the home appliance sector. For example, dishwashers, defrosting elements, infrared dryers, and ceramic hobs.


Our themes of excellent temperature resistance up to 1300°C coupled with a low-temperature coefficient and corrosion resistance continue.

Typical applications of 0Cr23Al5 include high-response heating elements with high surface loads. In other words, ceramic glass top hobs and quartz tube heaters.


This wire is temperature resistant up to 1200°C with advantages of high resistivity and low density. The characteristic of this alloy is a long service life in vulcanization and oxidation atmosphere.

Typical applications of 0Cr21Al6 are appliances such as ceramic heating and tubular heating.


With an impressively high resistance rate and temperature resistance of up to 1200°C, this alloy is a more economical option for businesses.

Typical applications of 0Cr19Al3 are fast response heating elements, quartz heating tubes, and tubular heating elements.

Advantages of FeCrAl

So many individual applications of iron-chrome-aluminum alloy are due to its many advantages. For example:

  • Maximum Temperatures: with a maximum temperature of 1400°C, this alloy is unique.
  • Long Life: compared to nichrome alloy, FeCrAl has up to 4 times longer life before needing to be replaced.
  • Surface Load:also impressively high, making it possible to apply pressure without impacting the shelf life.
  • Oxidization: the oxidization formed on this alloy adheres better to the alloy, making it less likely to contaminate the surrounding technology.
  • Density: less dense than nichrome alloys, which means you can install more elements without impacting the item’s weight negatively.
Oxidation of heating wire
Oxidation of heating wire

Disadvantages of FeCrAl

Like anything with an impressive amount of advantages, there are some disadvantages which may influence your needs.

  • Strength Impacted by Temperature: when reaching temperatures over 1000°C plasticity of this alloy increases. The alloy’s weight will cause the material to stretch and can deform the element over time.
  • Possible Brittleness: if you use the material at a high temperature for an extended period and then allow it to cool, it can become brittle.
  • Magnetic Impact: this alloy is no longer magnetic over 600°C.

What is the Future of FeCrAl Wire?

Typically FeCrAl alloys are used wherever high-temperature oxidization resistance is needed. Naturally, this makes it an ideal candidate for standard application in heating elements and high-temperature furnaces. Recently various nuclear accidents have caused a boom of interest in using FeCrAl alloys in nuclear reactors. The future of this type of alloy is nuclear grade alloys due to oxidization and corrosion resistance.

You can find the other relatively new use of FeCrAl wire in vaping communities. Smoking electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, is considered a less harmful and more pleasant experience than standard cigarettes. The minimum temperature a vaping coil needs to reach to turn e-liquid into vapor is 190°C. Well within the capabilities of FeCrAl wire!


Importing FeCrAl Wire from China

At Sundear, we have more than 32 years of experience manufacturing heating alloy materials. We produce up to 5000 kgs of resistance alloy material per day in our impressive factory—these range from wire, strip, ribbon, or rod elements. As a customer, importing resistance heating wire from China can be more cost-effective than elsewhere in the world.

We pride ourselves on strict quality controls to ensure the best possible products for over 220,000 satisfied customers. Our lab engineer runs tests on every batch of resistance alloy to ensure a GB/ASTM standard match. Contact us for more information on how we can help you develop the best possible heating elements. We look forward to working with you and will get back to you within two business days.

FeCrAl Alloy Wire
FeCrAl Alloy Wire



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